Spinal Flow Technique is a gentle holistic approach used to heal many diseases, illness and pain thought to work by releasing blockages along the spine. The Spinal Wave is a dynamic intelligence inside all Human bodies. With the Spinal Wave the practitioner can help identify spinal blockages and then help to release the blockages by connecting them to the ease that already exists inside all of us and allow the Spinal Wave to flow. This technique is thought to work by releasing blockages along your spine and help you feel amazing again .
Spinal Flow Technique is intended to identify and release layers of Chemical, Physical and Emotional tension effecting ease in the body that is held in the blockages by directing to specific awareness of the spine.
Using this modality has produced some absolutely amazing results.
Your body has incredible intelligence and inside your body you have wisdom to heal. Through access points connection is made to your life force and this connects to your pain and tension, helping to release the layers , the blocks, and gentle all knowing healing transpires allowing ease.
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