
Archangel Ariel: Colour pink. Name meaning: “Lioness of God” . Assists with courage and protects you from harm as you stand up for your beliefs. Archangel Ariel will help us to believe that all things are possible and will help those of us who call upon her to manifest positive results through our beliefs and intentions. Ariel also oversees the elemental world (fairies, sprites etc) and is involved with healing and protecting animals, fish and birds. Crystal : Rose Quartz.

Archangel Azrael: Colour yellow Name meaning: “Whom God helps” Azrael’s chief role is to help people to cross over to heaven at the time of physical death, assisting them with the transition. If you have lost someone, you can call upon him to bring you comfort and support. He will also assist with healing the heart and can also help us to sleep better at night and put our minds at ease when worried, lonely or stressed. Crystal : Yellow Calcite.

Archangel Barachiel: (Saturday).Colour Green name means “Blessings of God” and is also known as the “Angel of Lightening”. Barachiel often known as Barakiel carries an abundant basket of bread, the staff of life, symbolizing Christian parenthood and it’s grave responsibilities both spiritual & temporal, to produce and provide for, the children God desires of married couples. He is a powerful intercessor for the barren as well as for troubled marriages. He carries in his hand a book, a reminder of the wealth of instructions in the Holy Scripture, the writings of the saints and Papal encyclicals for husbands, wives and children concerning marriage and family life. (Barachiel means “Blessings of God” One non-canonical book, an ancient Jewish text, describes the archangel Barachiel as one of the angels who serve as great and honored angelic princes in heaven. It mentions that Barachiel leads 496,000 other angels who work with him. It is believed that Barachiel is part of the seraphim class of angels who guard God’s throne, as well as the leader of all the guardian angels who work with humans during their earthly lifetimes. Other spellings of this angel’s name include Barchiel, Baraqiel, Barkiel, Barbiel, Barakel, Baraqel, Pachriel, and Varachiel) . White Feathers and Crystals we suggest for working with Barachiel are Vera Cruz Amethyst, Spitit Stone, Angelite, Unakite, Herderite, Sunstone and Seraphinite.

Archangel Chamuel: Colour green and pink. Name meaning: “He who sees God” . Will help you with love, career changes, spiritual soul mate relationships . Chamuel guides your thoughts and actions to renew relationships and find love in your heart. He works with us to build strong foundations for our relationships (as well as careers) so they’re long-lasting, meaningful and healthy. Crystal: green Fluorite and Rose Quartz.

Archangel Gabriel: (Monday), Colour Silver, gold and white and Pale Blue. Name meaning: “Strength of God” Archangel Gabriel is the Angel of Light and is associated with the protective shining light, Intuition, Clarity and Disipline are also associated with her. To help you with your life choices and the path you choose Archangel Gabriel is said to help you with discipline, guidance, vision and clarity. Archange; Gabriel also helps us nurture our own inner child, and assists us with conception, childbirth and parenting. Crystals: Moonstone, Aquamarine, Pearls and Selenite.

Archangel Haniel: Colour Bluish White. Name meaning: “Glory of God”. Associated with the energy of the moon. Notice how the moon affects your energy and manifestation. The evening before a full moon is the optimal time for healing. She also helps us to appreciate and love ourselves more. It is also said that she can help to recover the lost secrets of natural healing remedies. You can also call on Haniel to help bring beauty, harmony and loving friends into your life. Crystal : Moonstone.

Archangel Jeremial: Colour deep purple Name meaning: “Mercy of God” Everything happens exactly as it is meant to and Archangle Jeremial guides us through change and solving problems. He is able to help us make life changes, by helping us to review our life so we can correct things we are unhappy about by making positive adjustments with are guided along the right path. Crystal: Amethyst.

Archangel Jophiel: Colour pink Name meaning: “Beauty of God”. Helps us to nurture our dreams, disperse clutter from our lives and to connect with nature. He will illuminate our creative spark by giving us ideas and energy to carry out artistic ventures. He also helps us to see the beauty in all things, including people. As well as helping our creativity, Jophiel can be called on if you need more joy and laughter in your life. Crystal affinities: Pink Tourmaline or Pink Rubellite.

Archangel Metatron: Colour Violet and green stripes. A prophet and Scribe and record keeper in heaven sing sacred geometric shapes he will help you with motivation and organisation, also chakra alignment and cleansing, and may send you spiritual guidance through your dreams. He motivates you to work with organizing your priorities and has a bond with children, (particularly psychic or sensitive children) . Crystal : Watermelon Tourmaline.

Archangel Michael: (Sunday), Colour Blue. Archangel Michael is the Angel of protection and a mighty warrior, he is associated with courage, strength and protection using his mighty sword. If you are afraid, lack courage or need protection, imagine his protective cloak around you. Call upon him to help with his mighty sword to cut through any cords which you have attached to people or past memories, and allow your life to move forward. Crystal: Sugarlite

Archangel Raguel or Jegudiel; (Friday) Colour Pale Blue. Name meaning: “Friend of God” . Kind and wise Archangel Raguel known as the Archangel of Justice and Fairness”, he helps to resolve arguments and guides people to act in fair and just ways. If asked, he will offer assistance toward discovering balanced, harmonious, peaceful resolutions to disputes and disagreements, both in our personal and professional lives. He also helps us to sort out our inner feelings. Crystal: Aquamarine.

Archangel Raphael: (Tuesday), Colour green or Pink. Name meaning: “Healing power of God” Archangel Raphael is associated with being a sage, a seer and Healer. Healing both physically and emotionally giving and receiving love. He offers healing communication, knowledge, vision and encourages you to communicate your inner wisdom and heal through thought and exchanging ideas. Crystal : Emerald and Malachite

Archangel Raziel: Name meaning: “Secret of God” He is said to know all the secrets of the universe and helps with spirituality and clairvoyance. He can open you up to higher levels of psychic abilities and increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance. He also helps with alchemy, divine magic and manifestation. Crystal affinity: Clear Quartz.

Archangel Sandalphon; Colour cool turquoise. Name meaning “Bringer of Gifts”. Archangel Sandalphon’s chief role is to carry human prayers to God so they may be answered. He assists us with peace, talking quietly and engageing in slow rhythmic movements, and helps us to appreciate all the miracles (however large or small) in our lives. Associated with music you will feel his presence more strongly when you listen to music, sing, or play a musical instrument. Crystal : Turquoise.

Archangel Selaphiel: (Thursday) Colour Red Name meaning “One who Prays to God” Archangel Selaphiel is known as the angel of prayer. He helps people connect to God through prayer, giving them the focus they need to block out distractions and concentrate on praying. He motivates people to express their deepest thoughts and feelings to God in prayer, and to listen carefully for God’s responses . (who is also known as archangel Zerachiel). Archangel Selaphiel is the angel of the sun, and he works with the archangel Jehudiel to rule the movement of the planets. Selaphiel is also said to help people understand and interpret their dreams, help heal people from addiction. Crystal: Flourite and Blue Calcite

Archangel Uriel: (Wednesday), Colour Purple and Gold. Name meaning: “God is light” . Archangel Uriel is the Angel of Fire and is asscociated with helping you release fears, anger and letting go of the past. He helps us with ideas and inspiration, and is considered one of the wisest Archangels because of his intellectual information, practical solutions and creative insight, but he is very subtle. You may not even realize he has answered your prayer for help until you’ve suddenly come up with a brilliant new idea. Crystal: Amber.

Archangel Zadkiel: Colour deep indigo Blue. Name meaning: “Righteousness of God”. The ultimate spiritual Proffessor he Helps us hear with clarity true divine guidance, forgiveness and new ideas in the form of repetitious messages, loving and to the point. He also assists with emotional healing. He works on the rays of transmutation (change from one form/state to another) so keep an open mind and learn new ideas. Place all your troubles and difficult relationships within his flame so that all negativity is transmuted into positive vibrations. Crystal : Lazuli.

If you require a message why not  choose an Angel Card Reading

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