A Reconnective Healing®
Reconnective Healing® completely transcends traditional energy healing techniques as it allows us to let go of the concept and approach of technique itself. It is neither a therapy nor a treatment, as it does not focus on symptoms. It is something much, much more. In Reconnective Healing® we do not diagnose or treat. We simply interact with the Reconnective Healing Frequencies, bringing about healings that are often instantaneous and tend to be life long.
While science continues to explore how it works, Reconnective Healing® has been confirmed and documented in more than a dozen international studies. When Reconnective Healing Frequencies entrain with our energy body we emit and vibrate at a higher level of light. This has been shown to restructure our DNA, resulting in the emission of measurably higher levels of bio-photonic light. Stanford Professor Emeritus Dr. William Tiller says that when information carried through the Reconnective Healing Frequencies is introduced, it creates coherence and order. In other words, greater harmony and balance within us.
Light is the resonance and communication within these frequencies between the universe and us. Information comes through the very interaction and entrainment with the energy and the light.
Reconnective Healing® Now, for the first time, Reconnective Healing® helps you to access a more comprehensive spectrum of healing than has been attainable at any point prior to now, one that not only includes yet expands beyond any and all known forms of energy healing. The Reconnective Healing® spectrum is comprised of the full healing and evolutionary continuum of energy, light and information, tapping into the higher dimensions and with the divine for healing to take place. It allows for healing that are not just physical, not just mental, not just emotional, yet go beyond that to bring you healing that includes the evolution of your very being and essence! Vastly different than Reiki, Jin Shin, Qi Gong or any healing technique ever encountered, Reconnective Healing® transcends technique entirely.
These powerful energies have a positive effect on all levels for well-being. Everyone’s experience with Reconnective Healing® / The Reconnection® / Bengston Energy Healing Method® is unique. If you’re lucky, your healing will come in the form you anticipated; if you’re really lucky, your healing will come in a form you haven’t even dreamed of. Many healings are reported in just one session, and sometimes it takes a bit longer for the benefits of the healing to unfold. For Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection, the Practitioner’s hands do not touch your body. You simply lie down and just relax, close your eyes and simply notice what occurs.
The best way to allow for a healing is to proceed in a state of open expectancy, without attachment to the outcome. Healings can come in all forms and can elicit a wide variety of responses during the session. Clients can experience a wide variety of sensations during a healing, or sometimes no sensation at all. Even with the same client, the healing experience varies from one session to the next. Dr Eric Pearl says a healing does not occur the same way for everyone. Some people need more than one session and some clients don’t feel the full effects immediately. However, most “results tend to work instantly and last a lifetime” .
We’re accessing something that has always existed in the Universe but has not existed for us before.
“Reconnective Healing® is a non-touch form of healing that has provided millions around the world the opportunity to achieve a more optimal state of health, balance, wholeness and vitality in all areas of their life. Reported healings range from extreme medical issues such as cancer, chronic fatigue, stress and arthritis to improvement in our everyday relationships.
- It’s the perfect intelligence of the Universe but has not existed for us before…It’s the perfect intelligence of the Universe telling the
body how to heal. - Though every experience is unique, here is a list of what some clients have experienced during or after a session ….
- Energy sometimes experienced as a heat or cold sensation moving throughout the body.
- Tingling or fluttering sensations.
- temperature changes of heat or coldness.
- Emotional blocks being released.
- Visions, Smells or Sound
- A release of emotions
- A feeling of floating and free from the weight of the body & mind.
- Deep relaxation.
- An overall sense of well being.
- Relief from minor pain and inflammation .
- Aches and pains disappearing .
- Arthritis pain completely vanishing
- Feeling less stresses.
- Faster recovery from injury.
- A deeper sleep after the healing
- An increase in wellbeing.
Contact RoseLyn Today for your Reconnective Healing 0428 648100
Please Note: Reconnective Healing is offered as a single modality. No other modality will be used during a Reconnective Healing Session.
Location: Pittsworth / Toowoomba QLD 4356, Australia
- Phone: 0428 648 100
- Email:
- Services : Reconnective Healing®, The Reconnection®, Distant Healing.
- – Certified Foundational Practitioner- of Reconnective Healing™
- – Certified Practitioner – for The Reconnection™
- Fee: Contact for session price- Ph: 0428 648100 or
- Email:
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